Rest In Peace, Chet Atkins

After having battled cancer for several years, the man who helped craft Nashville's sound with a picking style all his own passed away on June 30th at the age of 77. During his lifetime, Chet Atkins recorded 75 albums and sold over 75 million. He played with everyone from the likes of Elvis to the Everly Brothers to Mark Knopfler, and, as an executive for RCA from the 1957 through the '70s, Atkins played a part in kickstarting the careers of Roy Orbison, among many others. Many others. "I realized that what I liked, the public would like, too." Atkins is survived by his daughter, Merle, and wife of 50 years, Leona Johnson. He will be sorely missed and his influence long felt.

Public Enemy Wants You to Write Songs for Their Next Album

Long known for his aggressive stand on music technology and the Internet, Public Enemy frontman Chuck D. has sent out word via his, his record label, that he wants you, yes you, to help write the new PE album.

"I think we're living in interactive times, and technology has made it more accessible to create more creators. It's not as difficult to make a record as it was maybe fifteen years ago, when you had to record in a professional studio. Now there's a thin line between the listener and the creator, and we're trying erase that line. We like to look at the public not solely as consumers, but also as participants, possibly even as future partners."

Chuck and his crew are soliciting fans to write and submit songs for the new album, encouraging people to draw from all genres and influences. PE will listen to your cuts, and if they get picked to go on the new album, writers will keep co-ownership rights and pocket royalties of the sales.

So how do you do it? Head to SlamJamz and download the vocal "Track of the Week," featuring either Mistah Chuck, Professor Griff, or Flavor Flav. Then take that download, dump it into the sound editing program of your choice and do that voodoo you do so well. Upload your mix back onto SlamJamz and wait for the big pay off. Winners will be announced in mid-September, and once the "Track of the Week" is gone, it's gone. So get crackin' already!

And again, the band are looking for two things: creativity and innovation. Don't get locked inside a box, thinking only hip-hop will do. Fuck it up and add a little Wagner to the mix. G'luck!

Iggy Pop Demands Seven Dwarves

In one of the funnier news pieces we came across last month, organizers for the Scottish festival Gig on the Green (scheduled for late August) received a list of backstage demands by performer Iggy Pop, which included The New York Times, Broccoli, and seven dwarves dressed up as the Seven Dwarves from Cinderella. And while Iggy admitted that he only wanted the broccoli so he could throw it away (I guess he hates the stuff), there's still no word yet as to the reasons behind his infatuation for Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Bashful, and Doc. We'll keep you posted.

Quotes of the Month (Endless Vacation)

With most of the eP Misfit Brigade on summer vacation (i'm still waiting for postcards!), this month we offer you, our fine readers, a bit of an abbreviated issue of the monthly music magazine you so love but still can't read while sitting on the toilet.

Cranking The Ramones' "Endless Vacation" at ear-splitting, neighbor-loving volumes, I recently cleaned out my inbox and came across a number of messages that have been sent to me over the course of Earpollution's three years. And so instead of filling you full of witty remarks, sage commentary, and colorfully reusing the same six descriptive words to review a band with over and over again, I instead offer the words of some of eP's readers and contributors. Enjoy!

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:25:28
Subject: love and rockets go bye-bye


found out yesterday that love and sprockets have decided to call it quits. *sniff*sniff*


Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:55:17
Subject: RE: love and rockets go bye-bye

my life is over. -jeff

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Wilcox
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 10:14 PM

Greetings from One Reel PR. We just read your review of WOMAD and it is brilliant. Thanks so much for the great photos and reviews, you guys really captured the essence of the Festival and why we worked so hard to bring it here to the Northwest.

Amy Wilcox,
Public Relations Assistant
One Reel

-----Original Message-----
From: James Kirchmer []
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 1:56 AM
Subject: right on, tell it like it is.....

hi Craig -

your open letter to Tom Mehren was dead on. Thanks for calling that dude on his shit, so to speak.

-----Original Message-----
From: sage532 []
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 12:03 PM

you sound really cute. do you have a long schlong? would love to meet - is xxxxx into threesomes?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 11:28 PM
Subject: Mark Lanegan

Obviously as you have surmised, Mark [Lanegan] is my son, and while i don't usually go into the internet to view any reviews, whatever, about him, I did go in tonight. Why? I guess it's because I was given some reviews locally (hey! we are country bred and born here in central wash. state!) about Mark's latest album, and I was very much touched about your review of his latest release by Sub Pop. To us, his family, his friends, you seem to have an unusual insight into Mark. what he is about, and his work. I believe that there are others who have probably felt and recognized the meanings behind his latest poetic compositions , but to us, you have pretty much figured it out , and we congratulate you very much for this!

-----Original Message-----

From: Eric J. Iannelli []
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 11:12 PM
Subject: freelancing, etc.


I was encouraged to look up Earpollution and, having browsed the site for the past hour or so, I'm genuinely interested in contributing. I've covered the Seattle music scene for quite some time now for a variety of publications. My résumé follows my signature; please let me know if you'd be interested in having me write for eP. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.


-----Original Message-----

From: erik h []
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 6:17 PM
Subject: wow


wow...eP looks amazing (as it always does, but now i'm glad to be a part of it). can't imagine how much work goes in on your end. kudos.


can i do the "60 minute soundtrack" next month?

[i'm quite happy to report that both eric and erik still find it in their hearts to grace earpollution with their always welcome and much appreciated writing. thanks guys! --ed.]

-----Original Message-----
From: jarthur []
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 4:30 AM

Respected Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to introduce you ourselves as a manufacturers and exporters of Stainless Steel Knives and Seating Sticks.

We assure to supply your requirements in superb quality, on very competitive prices and within delivery schedule given by you.

On receipt of good news we will supply our illustrated catalogue and if you could send us detail of your requirements along with copy of your catalogue so it will be convenient to submit samples of your required items.

Looking forward development of business relations among our both organizations, everlasting.

Looking forward hearing from you soon.

With best regards,
Kaleem Zafar Bhatti
P.O.Box 301

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: (no subject)

I would like to say fuck you for saying the things you did about art alexakis in one of your stupid ass reviews. FUCK YOU.

-----Original Message-----
From: The John Williams Family []
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: Pain Principle

I heard pain principle years ago on a compilation called Pist Midget and after searching I finally found their first album "until someone loses an eye." I have not been able to find anything else about them until today when I found your page. I was wondering if you knew of a webpage or some way to get their other albums. If you know anything please email me at

Thank you
Max Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: Gilbeto Luciano []
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 1999 12:19 PM
To: Earpollution
Subject: Re: Earpollution Issue 6 now online


-Craig Young
Editor, Earpollution

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