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R.I.P. Chet Atkins; Public Enemy Wants You to Write Songs for Their Next Album; Iggy Pop Demands Seven Dwarves; Quotes of the Month (Endless Vacation).

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Earpollution's Jennifer Johnson interviews Trocar Records, an entity unlike most. As a small label, she was intrigued by how it operated and learned that Trocar has a unique approach to music as art and a business--a uniqueness that has very much to do with the dynamic people behind behind the label, and particularly with Thor Stephen's vision of what the Trocar needs to succeed.

[ sixty minute soundtrack ]

When we think of the transition into adulthood most would reflect back upon their angst-filled years of adolescence. In astrology, it's a bit different. The time where we put on our new adult skin comes when we are rebirthed, occurring sometime in the late twenties at a planetary transit called "The Saturn Return." A difficult chapter in many people's lives, it should be embraced as a time where we can redefine ourselves to our life's goals, which ultimately leads us to a greater freedom. Hope Lopez gives us the "Hour of My Saturn Return."

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