[ click here for the tremens interview ] There's a quality to The Tremens that you don't find very often in the music world today: an ability to take their music seriously while still being able to inject some noticeable fun and humor into the process. In a musical day that, on the national level, showcases both the chest beating apes of nu-metal and the Barbie Doll sex of bubblegum pop, and, in the local scene, the shoe-gazing too-cool-for-you indie sounds, it's difficult to find an honest band with these qualities. eP's indefatigable editor, Craig Young, catches up with The Tremens to find out how they pull it all off and still keep both their humor and their friendships intact. [ click here for the zyklon interview ] What's in a name? Zamoth explains: "Zyklon simply means cyclone! The name represents a massive, intense, destructive force, as in the natural phenomena of a tornado. This is symbolic of our musical expression--an aggressive force of energy! What makes the name so 'dangerous,' in some eyes, is the way we have chosen to write the name. [...] But it does not mean the band holds any political, racial or fascist views. If people see a clear 'war reference' in the name, that reference would simply represent the extremities of human madness." Sabrina Haines taps into the power of Zamoth, Zyklon's mastermind.

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