The World of Music, Arts and Dance once again found its way to the Pacific Northwest, and once again Earpollution was on the front lines capturing this unique experience. A spectacular event with over 40 talented acts from all over the globe, WOMAD USA captures the universality of music and dance and, oddly enough, makes a festival setting extremely intimate that allows one to musically feel the rhythms all around while soaking in all the diverse sounds.
Labels rarely inspire more than solemn respect, but Montreal-based Constellation Records merits an audible "ohhh" and "ahhh." Its growing roster of Northern acts routinely garnerscritical praise, and its cover designs makes people salivate. It's also responsible for God Speed You Black
Emperor's first release, f#a#oo,but that still was not enough to discourage Earpollution's Edgar Ortega from calling Constellation's co-founder, Don Wilke.