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Earpollution Seeking Noise Propagandists; States File Suit Against Record Labels; Dispute Over Hendrix Domain Settled; Judge Rules Against MP3.com; Culture Jamming and The Droplift Project; Pitchshifter Banned in Poland; Sadhappy Loses Founding Member; R.I.P. Jerome Smith, Tomata du Plenty, Jack Nitsche; Congrats to eP's Paul Goracke; Flying the Friendly Skies; Quote of the Month: Sonny Rollins.

[ profiles ]

The World of Music, Arts and Dance (WOMAD) once again found its way to the Pacific Northwest, and once again Earpollution was on the front lines capturing this unique experience and bottling it to bring back to our anxious readers. Labels rarely inspire more than solemn respect, but with its growing roster, Montreal-based Constellation Records merits an audible "ohhh" and "ahhh." eP's Edgar Ortega comes calling on co-founder Don Wilke to find out why.

[ singles reviews ]

Madonna, "Music"; Melodramatic, "Melo Deez" b/w "Watchu Wanna Do Now"; Whiskeytown, "Theme for a Trucker"; Herbaliser, "Wall Crawling Giant Insect Breaks"; Negura Bunget, "A-Vant in Abis"; Blackmouth, "Smother"; Thomas Brinkmann, "Wanda/Xenia"; Quoit; Su8m3rgd3d; Scorn, Imaginaria Award; The Fields of the Nephilim, "Trees Come Down/Darkcell"; Frame 313 uk, Supernatural Cheese; Yes Virginia; FAGEN, The Helsinki Effect.

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