Earpollution's Steve Weatherholt fired off a bazooka blast of questions from his computer towards Tacoma, Washington in the hopes of finding Girl Trouble, the elusive and quite dangerous band that resides there. Finally found his target, Steve connected with K.P. Kendall and Bon Von Wheelie. Kendall and Von Wheelie give Earpollution the low down on their ultra-cool rock 'n' roll band, from not messing with their artwork to dancing with Granny Go-Go.
"I like to be secretly anonymous," Jane Siberry whispers to the audience at her recent show in Seattle. eP's Mark Teppo sets out to track down the elusive Siberry and discovers that one can actually hide in plain sight. Selling all things Siberry through her Sheeba website, Jane Siberry has become so much more than just a singer and songwriter. The process of becoming truly independent has been frustrating, liberating, and never quite what she expected.