Simon: We just couldn't be around it when we were drunk. [Laughs] But I'm so glad you asked me that question, and I promise I'm going to get better at answering it.
Having seen the industry from top to bottom, inside and out, what advice do you have for young artists or bands who are starting out and considering their options, be it a major label or seeking an alternative means to getting some attention?
Simon: Oh, it's simple. Don't go thinking that when you get on a major label that everything's going to be incredible, you don't have to do anything, and it's going to be a great place. You've got to do a shitload of work before a major label will even sniff around you. You've got to get yourself out there. It's almost to the point nowadays where you have to hand yourself on a plate to a major with tons of stuff already behind you. You have to do a ton of work before can get signed.
In our experience, it's very hard to get signed nowadays. People are downloading more and buying less, which is not good. But what I will say, along those lines, is that you've got to get your music out on the Internet and give it away for free. That's what we did -- we gave all ours away. Loser Friendly is up on Kazaa, available for download by anyone. And we don't care... that's fine.
Russell: The way we feel is that most people who downloaded it and liked it will buy it anyway and, regardless, it's still exposure for us.
Simon: The "C" word -- "commitment" -- is very important when getting a band together. You have to have members who are willing to follow you to the ends of the earth, because you've got so much work to do.
Russell: I think people should be productive and play with people they like, and if you like who you're with, stick together and try to work it out.
Is the struggle worth it then?
Russell: I think playing in a band that's productive is a great feeling when you've got the attitude. Before you go out and try to get signed and start worrying about everything that comes with it, you should just be trying to enjoy it in the purest sense possible. Get a buzz from playing!
Simon: You're going to have so many great adventures, so even if nothing happens you'll have this whole palace of memories, full of great times.
Playing with Paul McCartney being one of them!
Simon: Absolutely!
On the web:
Inside Earpollution:
Loser Friendly (album review)