![[ central scrutinizer ]](images/centralscrutinizer-sm.gif) |
02.02.2004 |
After more than six years of fighting the good fight, it is with mixed feelings that we announce Earpollution will be going on "indefinite hiatus" so we may better focus on other artistic endeavors and interests close to the heart that have been set aside over the years. |
We have no intention of taking down or modifying eP to reflect our absence -- now or ever -- and we hope your curiosity in what we've created keeps you coming back for a long time to come. |
It's been an unmistakably beautiful journey -- a quite unexpected one -- and we'd like to thank all the artists, readers, fans, freaks and other supporters who've graced our lives through these pages; and who, as it was once so eloquently put, "led, followed, or got out of the way." |
Take care of yourselves and each other, and we'll see you down the road in short order. |
No way out but forward go! |
![[ interviews ]](images/interviews-sm.gif) |
02.02.2004 |
![[ click here for the los halos interview ]](vol6/interviews/loshalos/images/loshalosbanner-sm.jpg) |
"My favorite part about making music is going inside and finding a spot that you didn't know was there before, however small it may be, and being able to come up with something that never existed before." |
![[ click here for the david j interview ]](vol6/interviews/davidj/images/davidjbanner-sm.jpg) |
"The music became therapeutic. It became a form of divination in a way. A strange process, but it just reinforced my belief that music has such power. I don't know how many times I've turned to music for salvation." |
![[ reviews ]](/v2/images/reviews-sm.gif) |
02.02.2004 |