Nicolas: It is definitely a big plus. But I don't think you can work with only the Internet. That's an illusion. You cannot have a label -- even at the size of Ad Noiseam, which isn't huge -- and advertise only online, only communicate online. It helps in the beginning when you don't have money for advertising in a print magazine or when you don't have a distributor to take care of things in countries that you don't even know anything about.
It is interesting to get feedback from the whole world. I get email from people in Japan or South America that have listened to Ad Noiseam CDs. It's wonderful. These people probably wouldn't take a pen and paper and write me a letter to say what they think. So it is a big reward. But it is an illusion to think that you can only work through the Internet. If you do that, it stays very, very superficial. It is a very precise audience. If you want a wider audience, you have to work with print magazines, you have to get your CDs in stores and not just into Internet mailorder places.
As for distribution online, I think it is a good thing that you can order the CD from a place like Malignant or myself and get it delivered to your place, but I think it is still very important that you can still go to stores in your area where you can buy these CDs. I don't want to limit the audiences of Ad Noiseam's releases to just people who are in the know, that know where to find these CDs and stuff like that. I want people who have no idea about the CD to be able to go to the store and discover it, to find it in a store and listen to it and like it.
I think all of us when we started to listening to music, we were fifteen years old and we just went to the store and listened to what was there. We went to the store -- we didn't know what we wanted -- and we found something that we liked. We didn't already have an idea of what we wanted to buy because we had looked on the Internet. Well, there probably wasn't the Internet at that time, actually.
If you want to get fresh blood to listen to your music, you have to be physically there in the store. I would love to get Ad Noiseam in the supermarket because that would bring more people to the music. I'm totally opposed to limited edition releases. Music should be as widely available as possible.
Jonas: The downside to the Internet is that you are exposed to a lot of music these days. Too much music.
Nicolas: Too much music, and only two ears. [Laughs]
How many records do you get a week?
Nicolas: [exhales and shakes his head tiredly]
Okay, let me rephrase: where do you find the time?
Nicolas: I can't listen to everything that I get. At home, I have between three and five hundred demos and albums that I should listen to and review, but I haven't gotten to them yet. I feel really bad about, but every day I get emails from people asking me when I am going to review their album and it is a huge pile. I will never see the end of it. I am sure of that, and I am sure that I miss very good things too. But I just can't do it.