[ click here for the women in rock feature ] Think about the female artists in your life and how they have shaped you as a person. Who has been an inspiration to you? Who has made an impact on your being? These are questions everyone should take a few minutes to ponder, and then silently thank those women who come to mind. How about your peers? Who would they choose to honor and celebrate? We decided to find out just that. [ click here for the u.k. subs interview ] Father Time has not caught up to the grandfather of punk performers, Charlie Harper, nor his band the U.K. Subs. Charlie and his determination have kept the punk spirit alive and kicking. Having three-fourths of the classic lineup back with him, this legend has brought back the incredible punk rock of the U.K. Subs. It was a shame that on this night more people chose to do other things than see this amazing band.

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