[ click here for the deadbolt interview ] On a warm and windy Seattle night, Ole Kirk and Steve Weatherholt set out to interview Deadbolt, otherwise known as "The Scariest Band in the World." Shaking in their boots, they dared enter the old van that is the band's home where they were filled with stories ranging from hotel target practice to videos they could not write about. Bravely delving deep into the subversive world that surrounds these gun-lovin' tiki culture maniacs from San Diego, Ole and Stevie returned unscathed with this interview. [ click here for the pandemia-burial interview ] Lost Disciple Records is out to spread the message of death metal with their Doubleheader of Death: Pandemia, from the Czech Republic, and Burial, from the puritanical paradise of Massachusetts. Pandemia knocks the competition out of the ballpark with their speed and energy, while Burial is hoping to end the year with a nice tour that stops near your neighborhood to spread their enlightened message of brutality. Sabrina Haines, Earpollution's maven of metal, recently caught up with both bands.

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