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Ole: What are some of Deadbolt's most popular songs that fans want to hear?

Harley: "Valdez," "CB Radio," and "Patches."

Ole: How about the "Vixen Vault," did you have anything to do with that?

Harley: No. [to 3rd Degree Burns] Have you seen any?

3rd Degree Burns: Not lately.

Ole: Do you think those photos have been sent in by the women themselves?

3rd Degree Burns: We know some of them.

Harley: A couple of the girls gave us some pictures to send in. So I had to do an inspection for myself.

Ole: How did Deadbolt get on the Halloween Hootenanny compilation?

Harley: They came to us--Rob Zombie did.

[ zulu death mask ]

Ole: You got to meet him?

Harley: Yeah, we got to bullshit with him. He is a big fan.

Ole: Are you a Rob Zombie fan?

Harley: Yeah, he's a cool dude. He's doing something different.

Ole: Have Deadbolt thought about doing a wrestling-themed album? Are you wrestling fans?

Harley: It's too popular now. It would be too annoying.

3rd Degree Burns: We're trying for the undiscovered theme.

Ole: Where did the idea for the fancy cover on Zulu Death Mask come from?

Harley: Cargo did it. We were like, "You're going to do that for us?" "Yeah, it's going to be one of those 3-D things..."

Ole: How did the ventriloquist doll show up in the photos?

Harley: It's just a very creepy thing that should be laying around. There are some hidden meanings in the pictures.

Ole: Have you been to Europe?

Harley: No, we were supposed to go there, but the booking agents and club owners were like, "I have never heard of this Deadbolt." People did not want to take the chance on us.

Steve: How long are you on tour?

Harley: Six months.

Ole: You guys are going all over--you usually don't go out that long.

Harley: Yeah, this year we took care of the South, then last year was the Northwest, and this will be the Northeast. We were supposed to go out in May, but our booking agent was swamped. So we took the summer off.

Ole: What are you going to do in Europe? They have really tight gun control laws

Harley: Yeah, that will be a problem. We couldn't bring our guns down this time because we had to go to Canada.

3rd Degree Burns: Like prison contraband, bar of soap, and zip guns...stuff like that.

Harley: We could find a hardware store over there. It's no problem, we're okay. You know, an Ace Hardware store, no problem.

Ole: Is it a good thing to go "gongwipdu"?

Harley: Gongwipdu.

[ deadbolt @ sit 'n' spin - photo by ole kirk ]
photo by ole kirk

"Going to Witchita" MP3

Ole: Is that an actual word or a Deadboltism?

Harley: While studying for the Zulu Deathmask album, we had to go to the dark continent, learn some things and become friends with a couple of chiefs. One of the ladies there was getting crazy, making a squalor. Which is like African moonshine. She was also carrying on a lesbian affair, she go "gongwipdu."

3rd Degree Burns: It is Swahili, but there isn't an English translation. It is more like "fucking nuts."

Harley: It applies to women. It's like my ex-wife: Gongwipdu.

Ole: How much research did you do for the Tijuana Hit Squad album?

Harley: It was easy. It is right by the border. We are there all the time and pick up little butts. For the next album we are juggling between a creepy calypso kinda thing or a spoof of Johnny Cash's Live at Folsom Prison.

Steve: How are you going to do the research?

[All laugh]

Ole: What bands have inspired Deadbolt? No one really sounds like Deadbolt.

Harley: Everybody has different musical tastes. When we started we didn't have any musical ability. We would strum a few chords, play "Smoke on the Water" and crank up the reverb and it makes the guitar sound beautiful. Delay the reverb and a little vibrato on there. We still only know three chords and the fourth is... Look at music, some of the best songs are real simple: "Louie, Louie" and "Wild Thing." We don't even know any notes. It's like, hit that string there or try that one there.

3rd Degree Burns: Hit the third dot, second fret.

Harley: Look at these assholes on stage looking at their shoes pretending to play.

Ole: What is a Deadbolt show like?

Harley: We have a party. We invite the people to come and have a party.

Ole: Talk to the audience and insult them?

Harley: Yeah, talk to the audience and insult them.

Ole: Is that why Deadbolt is the "Scariest Band on Earth"?

Harley: The scariest thing came when we first started playing. We had to play with all the local bands.

Steve: Who were the local bands at that time?

Harley: The Paladins, Eddie Vedder had his band in San Diego. He did "Bad Radio" on stage with these big posters of like Pete Townshend, one of Sigmund Freud, the others were something goofy. It was like, "Look at me, man. Look at the posters of these people." What an asshole, who gives a fuck.

So, when we were playing with these bands and this chick is like, "You scare me," in a condescending way, so that's how we became the scariest band in the world. I like the thing where a band has a title--band needs a good title.

Ole: What happened to The Phantom?

[ voodoo trucker ]

Harley: The Phantom is still around, he just moved away for awhile. He came back and we tried to get it going, but we just couldn't. You know, he is still there.

Ole: Where is R.A. MacLean?

Harley: Mr. MacLean, he's still there, but he has been missing a lot of tours. He's going a little soft on us. He was supposed to be on the last half of this tour. We found out he was going to some Civil War re-enactment in Virginia. We're like: "Hey!" He did some shows this summer--had some fun with the ladies and some good shows. He disappeared to do his own thing. We were a little unhappy with him. He's there, but he has to get on the road. He's got to do the roadwork.

Ole: You wrote a song about "Cockeye" and somebody calling himself Cockeye is often on your bulletin board, so who is Cockeye?

Harley: The real Cockeye was this guy my brother worked with at this restaurant. This guy was working the kitchen and my brother would bring him to the parties. He would introduce him as Cockeye. He was a pretty funny guy. Do you know what a "Sancho" is?

Ole: No.

Harley: A "Sancho" is a Mexican term for a guy who goes over and screws your wife while you are at work. Well, Cockeye was a Sancho. Shot some guy and just disappeared.

Ole: I heard that Deadbolt was trying to get a compilation together for Europe--a "Best of" release?

Harley: Yeah, some label is going to do a "Best of" of Deadbolt. This will consist of the most requested songs.

Ole: Do you get to choose the songs?

Harley: Yeah, we did already, but I don't have the list with me. We picked the songs. We went through every album and picked what most people would like.

Ole: Did the "Torture" song make it?

Harley: No, it didn't make it. It's weird with songs; you never know what people are going to like.

Ole: Do you have a title for this?

Harley: Haight Street Massacre. You know San Francisco Haight Street.

Ole: Do you know what label this is coming out on?

Harley: I don't, but it is some guy in England.

On the Web:

Inside Earpollution:
Live review (09 September 2000, Seattle, WA)

[ deadbolt @ sit 'n' spin - photo by ole kirk ]
photo by ole kirk

"Down in the Lab" MP3

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