[ click here for the gluecifer interview ] Before a recent show in Seattle, Steve Weatherholt got the chance to peek into the overhead cams of the fuel-injected nitro-burning badass rock 'n' roll machine known as Gluecifer. While Steve and eP Editor Craig Young downed another beer and smiled on with glee, Singer Biff Malibu did his part by revving the monstrous double axe-wielding buzzsaw and talking about Gluecifer's new album, Tender is the Savage, being shot at while on tour in America and seeing Motörhead's Lemmy Kilmister in his underwear (warts and all). [ click here for the darrius willrich interview ] "Don't get it twisted" seems to be a phrase that local pianist/keyboardist Darrius Willrich uses as an intro to clarify things. Long gone is his smooth jazz exterior we were used to seeing at Tula's and on the cover of his first CD, Darrius; what we get now in its place is a much more casual young cat with braids and facial hair. But using his (don't get it twisted) playing remains strong and his transitions are seamless as he twinkles those ivory keys in clubs around town. Darrius has proven that he has moved forward, honing his jazz chops with new skills in the world of hip hop.

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