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Murderer of Los Lobos Singer's Wife Sentenced; Newspaper Editor Fired over Deftones Photo; U.S. Congress Approves National Recording Registry; David Bowie to Allow Songs on My.MP3.Com; Judge Rules eBay Not Liable for Bootlegs; Nuclear Blast's American Reactor Shut Down;
Product Placement; Lenny Kravitz Detained by Police as Suspected Bank Robber; Ol' Dirty Bastard Arrested at Philly McDonald's; Lennon's Bricks Up for Auction; George Harrison's Attacker Found Not Guilty--Harrison Screams "Hare Krishna!"
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"By Any Means Necessary": Militant rhetoric from a positive era built on change--an era that is all but dead today. Earpollution's Cecil Beatty-Yasutake sets out to find Paris, one of the most vocal hip-hop poets of the era, and files this report. ¶The more outcast you become, the more you tend to seek out and find the gathering places of those alone. eP's Al Cordray finds common ground with Floater, a band that remains a well-kept secrets despite brandishing a balance of superb musicianship, exhaustive showmanship and amazing talent.
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January 1, 2000 crept upon us and the Y2K bomb and all its related insanity that held the world paralyzed in fear failed to materialize. Realizing that our previous year's Bunker Music was about as valuable now as Confederate war bonds, Earpollution's finest crawled out to face another year and set about finding the music that would make it happen. Yes, it's another boring Best of list...but no one cherishes music quite like we do.
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