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Get Well Soon Watt and Schuldiner; Beck Attempts Hara-Kiri with Bass Guitar; L7 Raffle Drummer for One Night Stand; Adios, Moshable!; Religious Cult Wants Piece of Shania Twain's Big Pie; Students Suspended for Seeing Backstreet Boys; Soul Coughing Split Up; Chuck D. Brings the Noise; Thieves Are Scum (Jesus Stole My Hotrod & Burning from the Inside remixes).

[ profiles ]

Armed with a brilliant new album, Therapy? are back on top of their game with the fuck-all attitude that made us fall in love with them in the first place. Craig Young catches the Satanic Teddybear himself, Andy Cairns, to find out just how they regained the title "Heavy Fucking Metal!"...while eP 's Paul Goracke takes a look at Minneapolis' NorthSide Records, who have been bringing us a new wave of Nordic music rooted in traditional culture but infused with contemporary perspective. Along the way, Paul discovers roots in Rykodisc, branches in prog, and "world music that rocks."

[ sixty minute soundtrack ]

Loss, in a myriad of forms, is an inevitability we all will face at different times and for different reasons. While it's not something to look forward to or embrace, what we take from it and how we better ourselves because of it is important. In recognizing the love--the magic--in loss, we find the strength to make our life a worthy expression of "leaning into the light." In the fifth installment of the Sixty Minute Soundtrack, Earpollution presents music for "The Hour of Magic and Loss." What's good? Life's good--but not fair at all. Because there's a bit of magic in everything, and then some loss to even things out.

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