"Polluting The Internet One (Back) Issue At A Time"

Welcome to Issue Zero. No one moves into a new home without bringing along a few ghosts from the past to give it a little more personality, so we decided to foist upon you a few of the words, opinions, rants and raves some of our writers had written before Earpollution came to fruition. There were some fine gems that we could not let drift off into the murky recesses of memory, and it is yet another reason to keep you glued to our pages while you anxiously await the arrival of our next issue.

Inside Issue Zero's Profiles you will find a comprehensive interview with Pitchshifter's frontman Jon Clayden that took place when the band was in town last July. It's a no holds barred look at Pitchshifter past and present, and where the band's headed into the future. In the Album and Live portions of this issue you will find a slice of some of the music our writers listened to and saw this past year; from Jeff's Buckley's posthumous Sketches (for My Sweetheart the Drunk), to the comprehensive Joy Division box set Heart and Soul, to the boom swagger boom of the new Murder City Devils, to the dark pounding of the Bauhaus reunion show at the Paramount, to the red-lit disco ball inferno that is the bathroom at Coffee Messiah.

Step on inside our Way Back Machine and let's go for a ride.

-Craig Young
Editor, Earpollution

[ profiles ]
[ cool by proxy ]
[ central scrutinizer ]
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[ there's no place like home ][ there's no place like home ][ there's no place like home ] [ live reviews ]
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