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Television: the drug of a nation; turning screws with Christdriver, masquerading as a Mouseketeer to find Meshuggah; climbing to higher music with Diamond-Fist Werny; Roger Waters comes down off his wall; Love and Rockets go bye-bye; and your usual nutty assortment of both live and album reviews from eP's finest.
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Aggression and energy. Inside May's Profiles, Steve Weatherholt catches up with Christdriver, one of the few bands in Seattle that can skip heartbeats with their aural assault, while Sabrina Wade dons her mouse ears to track down Meshuggah in the dark and steamy jungles of Disneyworld.
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In the midst of the Grunge explosion during the early '90s, Todd Werny kept a dream of better music close to his heart. Years later, his band, Diamond-Fist Werny, have etched a strong musical career built on the meditative layers of of Werny's singular voice, mixed with the pulsing low end of a bass clarinet and percussion. Paul Goracke sits down with the band to discuss where their sounds come from, and where they hope to take you with them.
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