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Earpollution--not just on the web, but on the radio and inside your Sunday paper; catching a ride on the Sadhappy super-sonic locomotive; inside the engine room of Pentapus; live reviews of Bitter Harvest, The Cardigans, Murder City Devils, Purple Penguin and Punk Rock Karaoke; reviews of albums by The Protagonist, Electric Frankenstein, DJ Quick, Soulfly, Damien Jurado, plus many more; and introducing The Sixty Minute Soundtrack: "The Hour of Monsters."
![[ profiles ]](images/profile_btn.gif) |

For the past ten years, local punk-jazz heroes Sadhappy have been carving out their own unique musical niche; staying true to the vision that brought them together and keeping themselves challenged with the music they create. In March's Profiles, Editor Craig Young sits down with Sadhappy to discuss the band's past, their ongoing collaboration with Michael Manring, and where the next stop is on their super-sonic locomotive.
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In the first of an ongoing series focusing on some of the persons and business who are behind the music scene--those that you the listener don't directly notice but without whose hard work and dedication to the cause it wouldn't be possible--Earpollution takes a look at Pentapus, a small Seattle independent label whose steps might be unsure, but whose goal is noble.
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